Abigail Gordon (She/her, b. 2000) is an artist who lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. Where she currently interns at Art21 and works at the Amant Foundation, all while exploring the art spaces in New York City. She received her BA in Art from Spelman College in 2023.
Working in papermaking and textiles, her conceptual focus revolves around portals, specifically as it translates into ideas of transformation, transportation and multidimensional worlds. Her current body of work revolves around her alter ego called The Tree, which she uses as a way to be a viewer of her own story. With a practice centered around repetitive labor and collected materials. Abigail uses items of memory to tell stories of the past, present, and future. It is through the story of The Tree that she has provided herself the space to not only be a creator but a viewer in her own story and question the world around her.